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David Cotti

A Boy named Ormi

Once upon a time, in a small, tight-knit village, there lived a boy named Ormi. He was known for his strong opinions, firm beliefs, and unwavering confidence in his abilities. Ormi was the kind of person who thought he had all the answers, and he wasn't afraid to share them with the world. However, this attitude often led to clashes and extreme resentment, as he was unwilling to consider alternative viewpoints or admit when he might be wrong. Ormi often found himself on the wrong side of logic but refused to sway, no matter how misguided his thoughts were.

As Ormi grew older, his ego intertwined with the image he projected. He feared admitting that his ignorance would chip away at his carefully constructed persona of strength and intelligence. The thought of appearing weak or inadequate was too much for him to bear. Thus, he found it increasingly more work to acknowledge any errors in his thinking.

One day, during a heated discussion at the village square, Ormi disagreed with his best friend, Aiden. Their differences in opinions turned into a battle of words, each unwilling to give an inch. The topic at hand was whether the village should welcome outsiders or not. Ormi staunchly believed that their small, tight-knit community should remain exclusive, protecting their traditions and way of life from outside influence. He feared that accepting outsiders might dilute their culture and disrupt the harmony they had carefully cultivated.

On the other hand, Aiden saw the potential benefits of embracing diversity and opening their doors to newcomers. He believed welcoming outsiders could bring fresh perspectives, new skills, and a broader sense of community. As the two friends passionately argued their opposing views, the entire village seemed divided, reflecting the depth of their disagreement.

As the argument intensified, it became clear that Ormi's views were starting to waver under the pressure of Aiden's well-reasoned arguments. This internal conflict Ormi felt is what psychologists called cognitive dissonance. The discomfort of holding contradictory beliefs caused Ormi to double down on his position, even though he sensed that he might not be seeing the entire picture. Admitting that Aiden's perspective had merit would have meant conceding defeat, which his ego fiercely rejected.

Fear of judgment and consequences further deepened Ormi's resistance to acknowledging Aiden's point of view. The village admired Ormi for his absolute resolve and rigid thinking. He wanted to maintain the respect and admiration he had earned over the years. In this perfectionist culture, being open-minded was often seen as a weakness, and Ormi couldn't bear the thought of losing face in front of his friends and family.

As time passed, Ormi's emotional vulnerability became apparent. He couldn't escape the shame and guilt of knowing his rigid thinking did not serve him well. The fear of embarrassment kept him from reflecting on his actions and considering the possibility that he genuinely didn't have all of the answers - that his thinking was lacking clarity and substance.

Confirmation bias played its part as well. Ormi surrounded himself with people who shared similar opinions and actively sought information that supported his beliefs. Any evidence that challenged his views was swiftly dismissed, reinforcing his ideas and making it even harder for him to consider the possibility of being wrong.

In this village, cultural conditioning played a significant role too. Admitting that you didn't see the entire picture was often frowned upon as a sign of weakness. Ormi had grown up believing that only the strong and the infallible were respected, and he was determined to embody this ideal.

It wasn't just the external factors that hindered Ormi's growth. He lacked humility and open-mindedness, possessing a fixed mindset that believed his abilities were inherent and unchangeable. This attitude prevented him from learning from others and growing.

Despite his defensive nature, Ormi couldn't escape the persistent gnawing of doubt in his mind. He realized that being wrong was a natural part of being human and that everyone has room to grow in their thinking. This understanding was the seed of change that took root within him.

As Ormi's journey continued, he encountered a wise old woman in the village who had experienced a similar struggle in her youth. The old woman saw potential in Ormi and decided to take the boy under her wing, guiding him with patience and wisdom.

Over time, Ormi learned admitting that he didn't have all the answers was not a sign of weakness but a display of strength and emotional intelligence. By acknowledging his errors, Ormi discovered he could grow and become a better version of himself. The old woman taught him the importance of humility, open-mindedness, and the beauty of embracing diverse perspectives.

With each step of self-discovery, Ormi became more compassionate and empathetic toward others. He started to appreciate the value of learning from differing opinions and the power of vulnerability in building authentic connections with people.

As Ormi's transformation became evident, the villagers noticed his positive changes. They admired his newfound humility and how he now listened and considered different points of view. His openness to learning and growth earned him even more respect and admiration.

Ormi's story of growth, and personal development, is a testament to the power of acknowledging that knowledge is kinetic. Through his journey, he learned that true strength lies in admitting when one is wrong and embracing the opportunity to learn and grow. Once divided by opinions, the village began to foster a supportive and non-judgmental environment where everyone felt comfortable learning and growing from one another.

And so, the boy named Ormi grew into a man who impacted and inspired others to embrace the beauty of humility and the strength of self-improvement. His journey became a beacon of hope for all those who struggled with admitting they did not have all the answers, showing them that it was a courageous step towards becoming a better version of themselves.

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