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David Cotti

Consistency Wins the Day!

When was the last time you "crushed it" doing something new for the very first time? I'm in no rush; I'll wait while you reach back into the recesses of the mind's dark, decayed, and perhaps delusional memory. Nope, sorry, but your first time wasn't great. Although it might have felt great, the first time out was far from a biblical event - poor chevy pickup - all you wanted to do was learn that stick. No doubt, outliers exist, but they seem few and far between, the exception and not the rule. Most of us are all thumbs the first time we try something new.

Right here and right now, take a mental inventory of what you are no shit great at doing. Sweet, now think about the first time you did what you are currently great at doing and ask yourself if said task, function, or performance was easy and came naturally. If you answered yes to this question, that is no surprise (an answer of no is also not surprising); however, the fact remains that your performance was the opposite of extraordinary during the first attempt. This fact lends itself to so many questions. So, within the context of the things we are currently great at doing, let's ponder, like Plato drinking with Doc Holliday, over the following questions. I'll be Doc, and you be Plato.

Q: How many repetitions did it take to become proficient?

A: Feel free to have a beverage and share your answer in the comments.

Q: Why did you keep trying?

A: Feel free to buy Doc a whisky and share your answer in the comments.

Q: How many hours did you spend mastering a specific task?

A: Feel free to eat a slice of blueberry pie and share your answer in the comments.

Q: Are you passionate about what you mastered or striving to master? Why?

A: Feel free to spank (with their consent) your main squeeze on the booty and share your answer in the comments.

Q: Is consistency crucial for building trust? Why?

A: Feel free to plank for five minutes and share your answer in the comments.

Q: Is consistency vital to creating productive habits that ultimately lead to success? Why?

A: Feel free to hula hoop and share your answers in the comments.

Q: Is consistency important for personal growth and development? Why?

A: Feel free to stuff your mouth with marshmallows and share your answers in the comments.

Rabbit-hole time: I have more questions than answers the longer I'm on the journey of the Uncarved Mind. Is that strange?

What good is a perfect plan executed with inconsistency?

Show the hell up! That's it. Nike that shit and do it - every day with consistency! Take action; simply discussing what you want to achieve is pure procrastination. Consistency of action brings us one step closer to greatness. Stay consistent, my friends!

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Kevin Larsen
Kevin Larsen
02 de mar. de 2023

Q: How many repetitions did it take to become proficient?

- My old martial arts master used to tell me over and over and over that you had to do something 10,000 times before you were good at it. I have seen that 10,000 rule work in my life, and most recently I’ve seen that play out in archery. Shot after shot sent down range has been retraining my body and my mind to perform the action of loosing an arrow. It is becoming easier to let my mind go, and allow my subconscious through training take over.

Q: Why did you keep trying?

- I am greatly influenced by the quote from Teddy Roosevelt about the man …

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